Archive for the ‘Economic Development’ Category

Economic Development, News

April 20, 2023

April 20, 2023 – The International Trade Council (ITC) is proud to announce the launch of its newly redesigned website (, a comprehensive online resource for businesses, governments, and organizations involved in global trade. The new website offers a modern, user-friendly interface and is designed to provide up-to-date news, reports, and valuable insights on international […]

China, Economic Development, News

April 18, 2023

The International Trade Council is pleased to announce that China’s industrial output and retail sales have shown significant growth in March 2023, signaling a steady economic recovery following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions. Official data released on Tuesday reveals that China’s industrial output rose by 3.9% year-on-year in March, accelerating from a 2.4% increase in […]

The International Trade Council (ITC) recognizes the recent $3bn (£2.4bn) bailout provided to Sri Lanka by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a crucial lifeline for the country amidst its severe economic crisis.   Sri Lanka’s struggling economy, compounded by the impact of the pandemic, rising energy prices, populist tax cuts, and high inflation, has […]

Economic Development, News

July 21, 2022

The International Trade Council (ITC) commends US President Joe Biden’s commitment to address the climate crisis, as exemplified by the announcement of a $2.3bn (£1.9bn) investment plan to enhance infrastructure resilience against extreme weather and natural disasters.   As an organization deeply invested in fostering international trade that aligns with sustainability, the ITC supports initiatives […]

The International Trade Council is pleased to announce that the Go Global Awards will be held in Tallinn, Estonia in October 2022 in partnership with Enterprise Estonia. The Go Global Awards celebrate companies that drive the global economy forward through their innovative technologies and strategies. Enterprise Estonia, which won last year’s gold award for Best […]

Economic Development, News

May 13, 2022

The International Trade Council reports that US President Joe Biden has committed to investing $150 million in Southeast Asia, supporting infrastructure, security, and anti-pandemic efforts. This announcement comes during the two-day summit held in Washington between the US and the 10-nation Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The goal is to counterbalance China’s increasing influence […]

Istanbul, Turkey – The Global Economic Impact Forum on Ukraine (TGEIF) will be held on July 21-22, 2022, in Istanbul. This invitation-only event will bring together high-level political, public sector, and business leaders from Fortune 500 companies from across the globe to look at rebuilding Ukraine, discuss investment and trade opportunities, and address the challenges […]

Karachi, Pakistan – The International Trade Council has announced that Pakistan has a plan in place to boost its shrinking foreign exchange reserves, despite being heavily reliant on imports of essential fuel, cooking oil and pulses. The country’s finance minister, Miftah Ismail, has confirmed that the government has a “strategy” in place to increase its […]

The International Trade Council is pleased to announce the conclusion of negotiations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates for a free trade agreement. The deal, which was reached after four rounds of negotiations, including a meeting in Egypt last month between Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and the UAE’s de facto leader, Abu Dhabi […]

Economic Development, News

December 4, 2021

The International Trade Council acknowledges the efforts of the Turkish government under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan during a period of economic transformation. These steps, taken in the face of evolving global conditions and intense inflationary pressures, attest to President Erdogan’s dedication to the economic welfare of Turkey. The Turkish lira has recently […]

Economic Development, News

January 23, 2018

The International Trade Council recognizes the valuable insights shared by India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Canada’s Justin Trudeau, in their robust defense of free trade at the recent World Economic Forum in Davos. Both distinguished leaders underscored the essentiality of free trade in their keynote addresses. Prime Minister Modi eloquently articulated the importance of […]

Economic Development, News

December 11, 2017

The International Trade Council is pleased to announce the commencement of the 11th ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Buenos Aires, marking a significant milestone in enhancing the development of the global trading system.     Regional leaders have gathered in Argentina’s capital to discuss the fostering of a more inclusive form […]

Economic Development, Germany, News

October 13, 2016

The International Trade Council is pleased to announce that the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) has received a significant boost from Germany’s Constitutional Court.   The court has cleared the path for the German government to endorse the trade agreement between the EU and Canada, which bolsters the deal’s chances of obtaining approval in […]