Foreign Direct Investment Support for Governments


Partnering with Government Investment Agencies to Drive Sustainable Growth

We work closely with government inbound investment, foreign direct investment, and economic development agencies to not only attract foreign investment but also develop strategies for long-term retention and growth.


By aligning investor goals with regional economic development priorities, we help foster lasting partnerships, ensure operational success, and build ecosystems that support business expansion and innovation.


Investment Promotion and Strategy Development

We assist governments in developing and executing investment promotion strategies tailored to their unique economic strengths. By identifying key sectors that align with global investment trends and showcasing these opportunities to the international business community, we help governments position themselves as attractive destinations for FDI.


Facilitating Connections with Global Businesses

The ITC acts as a conduit between governments and multinational corporations, facilitating introductions and fostering relationships with businesses that are looking to expand internationally. We organize trade missions, investment forums, and targeted outreach campaigns to ensure that foreign investors are aware of the opportunities available in your country or region.


Investment Facilitation and Aftercare

Our support doesn’t end once an investment is secured. We assist governments in providing ongoing support to investors, ensuring that their businesses can thrive in the local environment. By offering investment aftercare, such as assistance with regulatory challenges and local partnerships, we help foster long-term relationships between investors and host countries.


Promoting Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)

We help governments attract investments through public-private partnerships (PPPs), creating opportunities for collaboration between public entities and private enterprises. By facilitating PPPs in sectors such as infrastructure, healthcare, and technology, we help governments drive economic development and innovation.

Why Governments Work With Us?

With our extensive global network, strategic expertise, and tailored solutions, we help attract, secure, and retain high-quality foreign investors, driving sustainable economic growth for governments.

Foreign Direct Investment Consulting / FDI Consulting : The International Trade Council - a Peak-Body International Chamber of Commerce

Extensive Global Reach

Our vast network spans over 179 countries, connecting governments with key investors and opportunities worldwide.
Foreign Direct Investment Consulting / FDI Consulting : The International Trade Council - a Peak-Body International Chamber of Commerce

Strategic Partnership Development

We collaborate with agencies to build long-term strategies that attract and retain high-quality foreign investments.
Foreign Direct Investment Consulting / FDI Consulting : The International Trade Council - a Peak-Body International Chamber of Commerce

Expert Market Insight

Our team provides deep market intelligence and industry trends to help identify and secure the most promising investors.
Foreign Direct Investment Consulting / FDI Consulting : The International Trade Council - a Peak-Body International Chamber of Commerce

Tailored FDI Solutions

Offering tailored solutions for promoting, and securing, foreign direct investment, PLUS post-investment retention strategies.

Who We Work With

We’ve partnered with, consulted to, and promoted, numerous government investment promotion agencies. Some of these many agencies are listed below.