
On this page you will find beneficial information regarding foreign direct investment in / trading with Gabon. If you are interested in exploring trade or investment possibilities in the country, feel free to contact the International Trade Council team. Additionally, we encourage you to engage with the official government investment agency featured on this page.

It is important to note that while the statistics presented on this page were understood to be accurate at the time of publication, they are subject to change over time. Please consult your ITC Trade Commissioner for up-to-date information.

Type of Government: Republic
Population: 2.341 million (2021)
GDP: 20.22 billion USD (2021)
Corporate Tax Rate: 30%
Personal Income Tax Rate: 35%
Major Exports:  Crude Petroleum ($3.61B), Manganese Ore ($1.34B), Sawn Wood ($290M), Veneer Sheets ($244M), and Refined Petroleum ($128M), exporting mostly to China ($2.24B), India ($871M), South Korea ($520M), Indonesia ($270M), and Netherlands ($238M).
Major Imports:  Poultry Meat ($94.9M), Packaged Medicaments ($59.7M), Passenger and Cargo Ships ($58M), Rice ($52.4M), and Cars ($49.6M), importing mostly from France ($471M), China ($436M), United Arab Emirates ($116M), Republic of the Congo ($94M), and United States ($93.5M).