Past Human Resources-Related Webinars

Technology Transformation CIO Roles and Strategy Gaps in Organizations

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, many organizations overlook the critical distinction between IT strategy and IT roadmaps, often missing out on the immense benefits of technology transformation. Join us for an insightful webinar where we’ll delve into why IT strategy and roadmaps are essential for driving productivity and enhancing decision-making processes.


Presented by Ravi Kajaria, Founder at Granuler ( This webinar was presented on the 10th of July 2024.

How to Attract Talent to Your Employment Brand?

According to recent statistics, 75% of job seekers think about an employer’s brand before applying. Furthermore, 70% of candidates would not accept an offer from an employer with a poor reputation. To hire the best talent, organizations must showcase a superior employer brand that attracts and engages prospective employees. Video technology can help with portraying the right employer brand message. Employer brand videos engage job seekers in a way that text and images alone cannot achieve. Learn more in this presentation with real-world examples.


Presented by Lindsay Stanton, President and Board Member of Digi-Me ( This webinar was presented on the 27th of March 2024.

Developing GRAVITAS and Boosting your Executive Presence

I would like to give you an international assignment, but you lack the executive presence necessary for the role.” What is Executive Presence? Why do you need it? If you are already a leader, do YOU have it? If you are an Export Sales Managers, salesperson involved in “corner office selling” persons, recently been promoted into management, this webinar is for you. Learn how to develop Command Presence in only 45 minutes!


Presented by Robert C. Scott, CITP, JP, General Manager of Lifespan Co. Ltd. ( This webinar was presented on the 29th of February 2024.

Critical Intercultural Strategies in Increasingly Multi Cultured Work Environments

This webinar will focus on culture, how deeply it impacts our individual actions and how culture impacts all types of business relationships. Attendees will learn the need for emotional intelligence in intercultural interactions and how it affects communications in diverse business negotiations and workplace environments. Tips on preparing for and managing multi-cultured meetings will be shared.


Presented by Lynn Cole, CEO and Founder of BRDGES Academy ( This webinar was presented on the 15th of February 2024.6

Innovate for Impact: Advancing Sustainability, Skills, and Diversity

Over the last several years, global corporations have made major commitments – to achieve net zero, diversify their workforce and supplier base and to train employees in emerging technologies. Achieving these goals will require new technologies, innovations and partnerships with startup companies from around the world. In this webinar, Equal Innovation will discuss recent trends in global innovation and entrepreneurship, and what those trends mean to companies and governments as they seek to meet the major commitments they have made but are often struggling to achieve. We will discuss the importance of searching globally for relevant solutions, the way in which organizations can support innovation better, and the importance of supporting local startup ecosystems.


Presented by Nish Acharya, CEO of Equal Innovation ( This webinar was presented on the 6th of February 2024.

Empower Mental Health & Resilience In Workplaces, Schools & Communities

Now more than ever, companies and schools are prioritizing mental health & wellbeing. Many organizations have adopted programs to improve access to treatment, but struggle to find effective approaches to prevention that engage their teams to build skills & resources that increase resilience and reduce prevalence of burnout, anxiety and depression. In this webinar you’ll learn how to take a proactive approach to creating a culture of wellbeing. You’ll explore a science-backed framework that uses the psychology of game play in all of life, and leave with practical activities that you can use right away to empower mental health, resilience and skills for success.


Presented by Keith Wakeman, CEO & Founder of SuperBetter ( This webinar was presented on the 28th of November 2023.

Showcase Your Thought Leadership

Position yourself as an industry leader by hosting a webinar through the International Trade Council’s platform. Share your expertise, generate leads, and connect with a global audience of trade professionals looking for insights and solutions.