The Dominican Republic's major exports encompass a diverse range of commodities, reflecting the country's agricultural, manufacturing, and craftsmanship capabilities. By maintaining strong trading relationships with key partners such as the United States, Germany, and Canada, the Dominican Republic continues to develop its export sector, contributing to its economic growth and international trade presence.
Cigars and Tobacco Products
Cigars and tobacco products are the primary exports of the Dominican Republic. The export volume for cigars is estimated at approximately 400 million units, with a value of around $1 billion. The closest trading partners for cigars and tobacco products include the United States, Germany, and France.
Medical Instruments and Equipment
The Dominican Republic also exports medical instruments and equipment. The export volume for this sector is estimated at approximately $600 million. Closest trading partners for medical instruments and equipment include the United States, Puerto Rico, and Haiti.
Jewelry and Precious Metals
Jewelry and precious metals, including gold and silver, are significant exports from the Dominican Republic. The export volume for this sector is estimated at around $500 million. The closest trading partners for jewelry and precious metals include the United States, Canada, and Switzerland.
Textiles and Apparel
Textiles and apparel play a crucial role in the Dominican Republic's export sector. The export volume for textiles and apparel is estimated at approximately $400 million. Closest trading partners for these products include the United States, Haiti, and Canada.
Electrical Machinery and Equipment
Electrical machinery and equipment, including telecommunications devices and electronic components, are also major exports of the Dominican Republic. The export volume for this sector is estimated at around $300 million. Closest trading partners include the United States, China, and Mexico.
Cocoa and Cocoa Preparations
The Dominican Republic is known for its high-quality cocoa beans and cocoa preparations. The export volume for cocoa is estimated at approximately $200 million. Closest trading partners for cocoa and cocoa preparations include the United States, Belgium, and Germany.
Footwear, including shoes and sandals, is a significant export from the Dominican Republic. The export volume for footwear is estimated at around $150 million. Closest trading partners for footwear include the United States, Haiti, and Spain.
Fruits and Vegetables
The Dominican Republic exports a variety of fruits and vegetables, including bananas, mangoes, and avocados. The export volume for fruits and vegetables is estimated at approximately $100 million. Closest trading partners for these products include the United States, Haiti, and the Netherlands.
Plastic Products
The Dominican Republic exports plastic products, including packaging materials and consumer goods. The export volume for plastic products is estimated at around $100 million. Closest trading partners for plastic products include the United States, Haiti, and Mexico.
Rum and Alcoholic Beverages
Rum and other alcoholic beverages are significant exports from the Dominican Republic. The export volume for rum is estimated at around $80 million. The closest trading partners for rum and alcoholic beverages include the United States, Spain, and Canada.